Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Shermans are Coming!

What a treat to have dear friends from Minnesota drop in for a visit!  Late Friday evening Kirk and Jacque Sherman made their way here from Antigua, where they were participating in the dedication of an elementary school.  We met them and the Bautistas for dinner and had a chance to catch up for a little while.  Their trip to Quetzaltenango from Antigua was mostly in the dark, so they didn't get to see much of the scenic part of the drive.  Saturday they made up for it when they went exploring with the Bautistas.

We wandered down to the Demo on Saturday to check out some of our favorite market stalls.  It was a disappointing venture.  Mike did get brave enough to snap some photos of the goat heads and pigs' feet, however.  The women at the goat meat stall thought we were pretty funny to want a photo.

Even to walk into a grocery store in Venezuela I had to screw my courage to the sticking place.  Not so in Guatemala.  Although these meats sit out all day in the open air with no refrigeration, there is only a mild odor.  That doesn't mean I would eat the meat, but it doesn't make for such a harrowing shopping experience.

This is the church a block away from our apartment.  We rather know it as the place where all the early morning fireworks emanate.  Last Monday they started at 6:00 AM and lit one enormously noisy one every ten minutes for forty minutes.  As my mama used to rest for the wicked.

Sunday we had a chance to say good-bye to the Shermans when they came to the mission office prior to leaving town.  What fun to have them experience some of our everyday life!  Since they know a bit of our mission assignment, it will be more meaningful to chat with them about it when we return to the U.S. next fall.  


  1. Ahh, pigs' feet and other mystery meat products- I miss them so. So happy to hear you had fun with the Shermans! Some of our favorite people too...

  2. Ahh, pigs' feet and other mystery meat products- I miss them so. So happy to hear you had fun with the Shermans! Some of our favorite people too...
